31 August 2009

Back in Amerika

Well folks, I have returned to the United States of America.

Thus far, the most difficult part was Heathrow. It was the first time being in an English-speaking place for two months. My brain, though, was still in German mode. I kept trying to put together German sentences in my mind, but when it came time to speak to attendants in the airport or waiters in the restaurants, I didn't need to do it. It was a little difficult to put together long strings of English sentences in a public place. A "nein" slipped out every now and then, but for the most part I did alright.

I had a Budweiser at home. I can't call it delicious. Sorry, Dad.

Now, I've come back to my apartment in Tuscaloosa. I can't stay too long because I need to try to get things put together and do a little reading before tomorrow. Though I promise more transition posts throughout the week. Fear not, folks.

Deutsches Wort des Tages:
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika -- United States of America

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